One of the first impressions one would have upon meeting Edward L. is how he loves to joke. His smile also gives it away. “It’s all good,” says Ed. […]
Welcome to our latest installment of noteworthy disability-themed articles! In addition, as a leader in the field, we are pleased to share our experience, knowledge, and expertise with the [...]
The New Jersey Department of Human Services has announced plans to pay February’s SNAP benefits early amid the government shutdown. Approximately 730,000 people in our state depend [...]
Many people with learning or certain physical disabilities have important ideas they would like to share. However, for various reasons, they face considerable challenges. Assistive [...]
Welcome to our latest installment of noteworthy disability-themed articles! In addition, as a leader in the field, we are pleased to share our experience, knowledge, and expertise [...]
It happens every year. Sometime soon after Thanksgiving, the holiday spirit sets in. After all, there is much to be grateful for! Working together, the staff at the Lincoln […]
From our team to your family, we at Advancing Opportunities would like to take the time to wish you Merry Christmas, Happy Kwanzaa, and a Happy Chanukkah. Staff have been […]
Most switches and buttons offer accessibility to persons with various limitations of physical ability. For example, there are the Flex and Leaf switches, along with the ultimate switch. [...]
Worried about your elderly Mom (or Dad)? Silver Mother watches over her family, a set of four multipurpose sensors called “Cookies.” These monitor any important object. Such as […]
Just over a half century ago marked the passing of the landmark Civil Rights Act of 1964, amended by Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act. Twenty-five years later and 27 […]
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