Hello Division Constituents and Community Partners, On June 7, the Division announced it would defer the transfer of individuals dually enrolled in both the DDD Self-Directed [...]
The New Jersey Division of Developmental Disabilities (DDD) is offering live fee-for-service Q&A webinar sessions. This regularly scheduled session provides an opportunity for [...]
By definition, assistive technology is anything that enables a person with a disability to perform a task able-bodied people can perform on their own. Of all the categories of […]
Last week, we presented Partner/Plus, an augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) device for the youngest users, who have not yet mastered the complexities of using this technology. This [...]
“I always felt a special connection to people with disabilities,” says Tameka Powell, a Residential Support Specialist working at the Newton group home. Working with this community for [...]
Augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) devices are a powerful type of assistive technology. They provide people with a variety of disabilities with the independence to engage in [...]
In the current contract-based service model, an individual living in a Division of Developmental Disabilities-funded residential setting such as a group home or supervised apartment (or [...]
We present our bimonthly collection of noteworthy disability articles a day early to make room for our weekly AssistiveTechTuesday feature, to appear in this space on Tuesday, August 15. At […]
“I’m excited,” says Jazmann Gillespie, who has worked at the Emerson group home over the past three years. Jazmann is “very proud… and glad” to be recognized and honored […]
Libraries have traditionally been associated with printed books. After all, the word “library” is derived from the Latin librarius, “of books” and liber, “book.” However, patrons who are [...]
If you have questions about the services and supports available through Advancing Opportunities, please let us know and we'll get to you as soon as we are able.