Indeed, the iPhone and iPad have many excellent features that endear them to users worldwide. However, one disadvantage to these Apple products is that one cannot control either one […]
We received the following message from Jonathan Seifried, the Assistant Commissioner of the New Jersey Department of Human Services, Division of Developmental Disabilities: [...]
No person succeeds without the help of others. “After working with Frank [Halpin], I can definitely agree with that,” said Ryan Tannenbaum, as he accepted the 2019 Andrew J. Murphy […]
The Oversight Board invites you to attend a focus group to solicit feedback from individuals with intellectual/developmental disabilities and their families, as well as provider and [...]
Trauma to the brain can have life-long effects. The Brain Injury Association of America (BIAA) defines Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) as “an alteration in brain function, or other evidence [...]
Anyone who has been out in the community, shopping, is well aware that Halloween is almost here. Over the past week, the children, teens, and adults we serve got […]
Halloween should be for children. That means all children, including those unable to express themselves unable to express themselves verbally out loud. Yes, that includes not being able to [...]
Many times, workers with disabilities are “the right talent, right now.” However, hiring these workers is not only the right thing to do, but also, in the words of […]
Saturday may be days away, but that the special day for Billy S. “He looks forward to events every Saturday,” says his mother, Zoia. When asked which events are his […]
Welcome to our latest installment of noteworthy disability-themed articles! In addition, as a leader in the field, we are pleased to share our experience, knowledge, and expertise with the [...]
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