Independence Day is about patriotism, serving one’s country. Independence is about self-determination. It’s critical to the well-being of all Americans. This holds especially true of [...]
It’s about access to printed word for the blind and visually impaired. Like an MP3 player, the Victor Reader Stream plays music. Blind and visually impaired people, however, also [...]
Her name is Celeste. In Spanish, it means “heavenly.” Both mother and daughter feel that would be an apt description of Weekend Recreation. Ten years ago, Rosa Mota […]
New Jersey Human Services Commissioner Carole Johnson on Monday announced the launch of a major new program to help individuals with disabilities in the state become more independent and [...]
By Michael Lozinski, M.A.T., ATP Today was a day just like many other days. A CBVI client here, a school evaluation for an AT device here, and a home accessibility […]
In anticipation of Father’s Day, our Weekend Recreation consumers were busy making picture frames and medallions. And, yes, mothers were recognized as well, as they should be! “It was [...]
Welcome to our latest installment of noteworthy disability-themed articles! In addition, as a leader in the field, we are pleased to share our experience, knowledge, and expertise with the [...]
Flag Day is about patriotism, serving your country. Participating in our democracy is the single most important and powerful way to advocate or self-advocate for the rights and well-being [...]
It was the calm after the storm. Weather forecasters had predicted a storm for the night of Tuesday, May 16. What could not be predicted was that the high […]
On Tuesday, May 1, 2018, Stephen Komninos’ Law in New Jersey went into effect, which we mentioned here last month. The New Jersey Division of Developmental Disabilities (DDD) has released [...]
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