Presenting Notable and Otherwise Interesting Disability Articles, April 2019

noteworthy interesting informative disability articles April 2019

This is a velocipede, an early form of tricycle. The conveyance offered the rider physical support.
Illustration in the public domain



Welcome to our latest installment of noteworthy disability-themed articles! In addition, as a leader in the field, we are pleased to share our experience, knowledge, and expertise with the disability community through our social media outlets: Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube, and Pinterest.


In addition, we are specialists in the area of assistive technology and offer an array of services. The Assistive Technology Center is New Jersey’s premier source of information and equipment.



Featured Advancing Opportunities Job

We’re serving an ever greater number of people with disabilities in New Jersey. We’re hiring! Come, explore the many rewarding career opportunities we offer for Direct Support Professionals throughout the state!



Disability in the News (Mostly in New Jersey, the Population We Serve)

A New Jersey high school student who uses a wheelchair stars in Wizard of Oz alongside her service dog (who, by the way, plays Toto).


We are grateful for the service Ethan Ellis, advocating on behalf of people with all disabilities in New Jersey.


The federal government Centers for Medicare and Medicated Services clarifies what qualifies as “community-based.


New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy announced $22.5 million in proposed new investments to care for individuals with developmental disabilities.



Informative, Positive, Noteworthy (or All Three!)

Greta Thunberg says that her “gift” of Asperger’s inspired her climate-change activism. “It also makes me see things from outside the box. I don’t easily fall for lies, I can see through things,” she adds. The Swedish teen has been nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize.


A disability advocate interviews a “media mogul” who established a disability advocacy foundation in her honor of her elder sister, who has cerebral palsy.



Advocacy and Self-Advocacy

voice amplifier aac assistive techA college student at Georgetown University has been advocating both privately and publicly for accommodations that most of her peers do not even notice, let alone need to worry about.


Here’s a thought-provoking blog piece: “‘Disability Justice’ Is Simply Another Term for Love”



Assistive Technology

High-tech meets old-school: adaptive video game controllers open worlds for gamers with disabilities.


Students at the South Plainfield Middle School (New Jersey) STEM Club makes adaptable toys for the students with disabilities at the elementary school.



For Parents of a Child with a Disability (Parenting)

From The Atlantic: Grieving the Future I Imagined for My Daughter. “After finding out that her infant daughter has a rare genetic disorder, the writer Julie Kim realized she needed to radically readjust her expectations for her new baby’s life.”



Advocacy and Self-advocacy

A Central New Jersey college student overcomes childhood disabilities to encourage others as a self-advocate and an advocate.



Disability Rights, Accessibility
Seiichi Miyake redefined the way blind and visually impaired people look at the world.



Notable Research on Disability

Spectrum explored a compilation of articles on genetic testing and autism. Among them is a notable article on how autism often “runs in families with a history of brain conditions.”


And from the same publication, the following article: “The fight between those who define autism as a medical condition and those who see it as a mere difference has reached vitriolic levels. Can the two sides come together to support all autistic people?”


A new report from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control found that an increasing number of preschoolers have autism.


A meta-analysis evaluated 11 measures for adults with autism.



People with a Disability in the Community (Disability Rights and Acceptance; Inclusion)

A young New Jersey man with autism wrote a remarkable pamphlet on how to treat others with disabilities.

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Notable articles March 2019Notable disability articles May 2019
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