It’s our right; it’s our duty to vote.
Flag Day is about patriotism, serving your country. Participating in our democracy is the single most important and powerful way to advocate or self-advocate for the rights and well-being of people with disabilities! The primaries are over, but the general election is in November, less than five months away. To vote, one must be registered.

Justin Dart, the actor who spurred the ADA, is the subject of a poster, with the caption “Vote as if your life depends on it. Because it does!”
Next week is National Disability Voter Registration Week. This is a nationwide campaign to ensure that 54 million U.S. voters with disabilities are included in the election process, so their voice will be heard and acted on in Washington and Trenton. The Alliance Center for Independence, along with the American Association of People with Disabilities (AAPD) REV UP (Register – Educate – Vote – Use Your Power) campaign.
Here in New Jersey, ADACIL and REV UP NJ are starting out National Disability Voter Registration Week with an event on Monday, July 16, from noon to 2:00 p.m. in front of the New Jersey State House Annex:
131–137 West State St.
Trenton, NJ 08608
People will be able to register to vote at the event. Representatives of state government and candidates have been invited. This important event will feature speakers, entertainment, and resources. Register for the event here.
Disability Rights New Jersey is New Jersey’s designated protection and advocacy system for people with disabilities pursuant to federal statutes intended to protect the legal, civil, and human rights of people with disabilities.