The QuickTalker 12 and 23 offer students easy-to-use communication solutions, each model according to the abilities of the user.
They’re just in! The QuickTalker 12 and QuickTalker 23 from AbleNet are versatile assistive alternative communication (AAC) devices. QuickTalker is a dedicated speech-generating device that offer a fun, gender-neutral solution for beginning users of AAC equipment. The QuickTalker line offers a variety of grid sizes and message locations, offering flexibility to customize the level and learning experience for each student.
QuickTalker 12. This model offers 12 message locations, 12 minutes of record time. The instructor can generate as many as 48 messages simply by switching among the five available recording levels.
QuickTalker 23. This model offers 23 message locations, 20 minutes of record time. The instructor can generate as many as 103 messages simply by switching among the five available recording levels.
The sleek design of both the QuickTalker 12 and 23 feature rounded edges; with common-sense controls, they are also easy to use. Both are durable as well; their rugged casing enable them to withstand many years. With their built-in handle, they are easy take between classes or work locations.
We are very pleased to now offer New Jersey residents the opportunity to try either model for free through our lending library, the Technology Lending Center. Also of interest is how the Talkable line of AAC helped one social worker find the right communication solution for one of her student clients.