Our Most Notable and Favorite Disability Articles for the Week Ending March 10, 2017

At Advancing Opportunities, we excel in providing residential and respite services to people of with all disabilities, along with advocacy and education services for parents and guardians and assistive technology support. As a leader in the field, we are pleased to share our experience, knowledge, and expertise with the disability community through our social media outlets: Facebook, Twitter, Google+, LinkedIn, YouTube, and Pinterest. In our Disability and Ability Highlights of the Week column, we will select the best of what we found and shared and present them. Please click on the titles with embedded links to find the full article.

Please stop by our website, https://advopps.org/, and find out all we have to offer.  In addition, we are specialists in the area of assistive technology and offer a huge array of services; the Assistive Technology Center is New Jersey’s premier source of information and equipment.


The Technology Center allows people to evaluate assistive technology devices free of charge

Advancing Opportunities has created the Technology Lending Center for people to “test drive” these devices before making an expensive investment. Further information can be found at: http://www.assistivetechnologycenter.org/technology-lending-center



Advocacy and self-advocacy:

“Why Inclusivity Is Important, from Obama’s Champion of Change”



Assistive technology:

Often, our desire to find a new kind of input — something beyond a mouse, trackpad, or game controller — is strictly for novelty’s sake or some kind of intellectual curiosity: a genuinely useful hands-free pointing device.

People with visual impairments could identify scientific images on a computer screen through this piece of STEM-designed assistive technology.

Here’s a handy piece of assistive technology for reading, especially for students with dyslexia.



Civil rights and accessibility:

The denial of organ transplants to people with intellectual disabilities raises important medical ethical questions.



People with a disability in the community (disability rights and acceptance; inclusion):

Researchers use an advanced-technology driving simulator to compare driving performance of novice drivers with autism with those of novice drivers without autism.



Disability awareness and appreciation:

When an autistic woman logs back on at Facebook, she is reminded why she left the social media site. Autism is a controversial issue, with people (many who do not fully understand autism) fighting online.

“Changing attitudes toward disabled people is an act of activism that begins with respect.”



Medical news – research:

It has been believed that people on the spectrum do not get hooked on alcohol or other drugs. New evidence says otherwise.

Although autism appears to be on the rise, there are still no reliable biomarkers. A new study looking at links with cerebrospinal fluid may change this.

Researchers have isolated 18 new genes believed to increase risk for Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), a finding that may pave the way for earlier diagnosis.

The World’s largest autism genome database shines new light on many “autisms.”

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A man with Down syndrome goes shoppingWheelchair with built-in desk allowing for work and inclusion
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