Making Things Straight with the Wobble Switch


wobble switch gross motor accessibility

The wobble switch is encased in a sturdy plastic base held by four suction cups. The actuator extends from the base and can move in any direction.


The latest switch in our Assistive Tech Tuesday series may wobble, but it doesn’t fall down on the job. Wobble switches come in diverse forms; for now, we’ll concentrate on the example manufactured by Enabling Devices. As with the Buddy Button and its larger brethren, our wobble switch offers accessibility to persons with limited control of the upper extremities. The user activates the switch with any gross-motor movement. The wobble switch, therefore, must be able to withstand rough impacts. The mechanics of our example are enclosed in a durable plastic resin base that attaches to smooth surfaces by means of sturdy suction cups. The gooseneck activating arm, which extends from the base, can move in any direction. The wobble switch, therefore, might be the accessibility solution you are looking for!


In addition, we carry the Ultimate Switch, also by Enabling Devices; this device works in a similar manner.

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