For Students with Dyslexia, Read&Write Is Here to Help

assistive technology dyslexia college

This sculpture at the Dyslexia Foundation of New Zealand celebrates the creativity many people with dyslexia have.
Photo: Michal Klajban, via Wikimedia Commons


assistive technology dyslexia college

Read&Write has helped Jason Joseph succeed in school.

Dyslexia. Many otherwise highly capable university students, such as Jason, Abigail, and Brian have a drive to excel. However, their dyslexia has made access to textbooks and other written material extremely difficult. That is, until his Assistive Technology Specialist, Kristen Russell, arranged for them to use Read&Write from Texthelp.


This highly useful read-aloud software works with texts, both online and Microsoft Word documents. Its versatility allows it to work on a variety of platforms, including Android, Windows, Mac OS and iPad, and the Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge browsers, not mention PDFs and Google Docs.


For students with dyslexia, like Jason and Abigail, the text-to-speech can be a critically important tool. The user has full control of such features as reading speed and a wide range of voices. And speech-to-text transcribes what a student says to text. For those who type, word-prediction is not only a time saver, it assists with complex spelling on the go. Built-in English- and foreign-language dictionaries are ready to assist; they can also read aloud. Furthermore, study highlighters in a range of colors both call out important material and provide an easy system to organize thoughts and concepts. These can then be gathered and placed into a new document.


Texthelp offers useful video tutorials on YouTube to help users and administrators use the software most effectively.


An iPad loaded with Read&Write is available for a test drive, free to New Jersey residents, through our Technology Lending Center. It has worked wonders with our clients; it can do the same for you.


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