Celeste (in purple) is happy to be among friends at a bowling event. With her is Danica Lafortune, coordinator of the Weekend Recreation program.
Her name is Celeste. In Spanish, it means “heavenly.” Both mother and daughter feel that would be an apt description of Weekend Recreation. Ten years ago, Rosa Mota was looking for her daughter, Celeste. While attending a parent-support workshop, Rosa heard other parents of children with special needs talk about a program in Passaic County called Weekend Recreation. Knowing that these parents had children in Celeste’s school, Rosa asked them for more. They said the program was very good. So she said, “Okay, I’ll give this program a try.”

Celeste and Danica enjoy a moment while playing a holiday-themed bingo game.
As Weekend Recreation grew over time, so did the variety of activities. These include going to the movies, enjoying pizza with her new friends, and bowling. Many of the Weekend Recreation events have a seasonal or holiday theme. Two venues are the Totowa Public Library and the ever-friendly Arts & Creations studio, Woodland Park. Though they are very different, she relishes both. At the library, Celeste seizes the opportunity to move about and dance. “She loves the themed activities,” says Rosa. At the studio, she enjoys the relaxed atmosphere of creating two different pieces, often as gifts for her family, such as for Mother’s Day or Christmas. At the library, Celeste will partake in a costume party, holiday bingo, or music with Randi Rae.
Becoming used to participating in such large groups engaged in a whirlwind of activity took time for Celeste. Early on, she simply wanted to keep to herself. However, she was not alone. At a bowling event several years ago, she did not want to partake in the game and socializing. The Weekend Recreation staff on hand noticed this. Every 15 minutes or so, someone on the team checked in on her, gently encouraging her to join in. Then, about an hour later, she got up and took her position at the first lane. After just a few tries, Celeste landed her first spare and happily accepted high-fives from the group. Rosa is grateful for such a caring community. “Everyone is so nice,” said Rosa. “It’s just like family.”

Celeste (wearing red) and Danica shared the holiday spirit last December.
Grateful to the parents who suggested Weekend Recreation, she now recommends the program to other parents. “Now, my friends are also very satisfied with the program.” Celeste is part of most Weekend Recreation events, sharing time, eating, and creating. Rosa knows her daughter is well cared for, saying “Celeste loves this program more than anything else,” adding that she did not like the programs she attended beforehand. “I wouldn’t want to change this for any other program,” says Rosa. “Celeste is very happy always has a smile.”
Celeste Weekend Recreation