The Tobii Eye Tracker 4C enables persons to activate an AAC device solely with the movement of his or her eyes.
With the ever-present popularity of gaming, there is an increasing need to make these experiences accessible to all people. One recent development is the recent announcement of the forthcoming Xbox Adaptive Controller. Another entry in the assistive technology arena are eye-tracking input devices, most notably, the Tobii Eye Tracker 4C. https://tobiigaming.com/eye-tracker-4c/ The manufacturer claims that Eye Tracker 4C is “the only PC gaming peripheral that provides simultaneous eye and head tracking as an additional input, deepening you immersion in games.”
As interesting as computer games are, this eye-tracking technology was designed to meet the needs of persons with physical disabilities unable to use their arms or hands for everyday-living tasks. It is well worth recalling our success with Tess L. She’s a bright schoolgirl with cerebral palsy who understood fully what was being taught in class, as had become increasingly clear. Her Dynavox, also made by Tobii, was a very important discovery. What made that alternative and augmentative communication (AAC) device much more effective for her was Tobii Eye Gaze technology. With that, she was able to not only answer questions in class (and at times, even correct her teacher), but also express what she needed or was thinking.

With her Accent 1400 communication device, Tess is able to do the everyday tasks independently. Karen set Tess up with the system and provides ongoing support.
Another client – also named Tess – uses a different system, with similar results. Her AAC device is the Accent 1400, paired with the eye-tracking NuEye. Both this and the Eye Tracker 4C are available for a loan free to New Jersey residents at our Technology Lending Center. Our skilled technicians are available to help.
Tobii Eye Tracker 4C eye-tracking input devices