For persons with difficulties expressing their needs verbally, basic, easy-to-use communication is at hand! Single buttons are fine for a simple “yes” or “no,” but when it comes to tasks for daily living or expressing emotions, one is simply the loneliest number. Enabling Devices allows for a person with severe cognitive disabilities to express multiple feelings or needs. This ability affords that person a degree of independence. With Cheap Talk 4, the caretaker can scan or record four different messages, which the user then activates by pressing the corresponding picture symbol. For users needing more options, there is the Cheap Talk 8, which can record eight different message, each of five seconds (one or two words) in length.
What’s more, the new “Scan” feature can operate via either one or two external switches. Large enough for a person with limited physical arm mobility to operate, Cheap Talk still weighs in at only a pound and a half. Enabling Devices, which is also the manufacturer the Talkable II and IV, both of which we also carry at our Technology Lending Center.