As this web page screen shot shows, All That Glitters is a multisensory toy that stimulates young children with neurological disabilities.
Yes, it’s a toy. And for very young children with severe cognitive disabilities, All That Glitters offers various types of stimulation. All That Glitters is a new multi-sensory toy from Enabling Devices.

The Koosh Switch provides tactile and sensory feedback while controlling a favorite device.
When the child touches one of the four clear domes, a motor sends multicolored beads or glitter pieces spinning. This activity provides visual, tactile, and auditory stimulation. Of the four centers, two play music. And by pressing one of the other two centers, the child will be rewarded by bright red LEDs activated for additional visual stimulus. (The unit requires very little pressure.) All four centers vibrate, which, according to the manufacturer, provide somatosensory stimulation. (Enabling Devices also manufactures the Koosh Switch, another multi-stimulatory toy.)
The four domes of All That Glitters are incorporated into a base atop a lazy Susan. That way, the child can reach the desired dome more easily. All That Glitters keeps playtime interesting for hours. “All That Glitters is a delightful center for visual, auditory and tactile awakening,” says the manufacturer. The toy assists with:
- Encouraging physical reaching
- Teaching swiping motions
- Increases auditory development
- Enhances tactile awareness.
Occupational therapists and special-education teachers will find this tactile toy highly useful for their very young consumers.
Among our patrons at our Technology Lending Center, a free lending library of assistive technology, switch-activated toys are a popular choice. If you’re a New Jersey resident, you can try All That Glitters or the Koosh Switch for yourself.
All That Glitters measures 11 inches by 11 inches; it’s 6 inches high. The unit requires 4 C batteries.