The VoicePal Levels is a highly functional, yet easy-to-use AAC device. It works well with children.
Augmentative and assistive communication (AAC) assistive technology, especially in the form of speech-generation devices, are finding increasingly wide audience among individuals whose disabilities preclude natural speech. We have featured a variety of these devices over the years. And now, enter the VoicePal Levels.
The VoicePal Levels, from Adaptivation, is a four-level voice communication aid with multiple scanning features. W and 17.5 minutes of recording time, customizable, natural-voice communication aid for anyone experiencing communication challenges.
The VoicePal Levels is highly versatile. In fact, the VoicePal Levels is able adapt to the user’s growing skills. Furthermore, according to Adaptivation, the device has multiple programming options. “Messages can be accessed by direct selection, using the on-board keypad, by plugging adaptive switches into the external jacks or by scanning, either visually or auditorily.” The process is simple: one places a symbol or picture overlay into a built-in pouch. The keypad can be customized to accommodate one of four Traction Pads with 2, 3, 5, or 10 messages. The total record time is 17.5 minutes. The VoicePal features ten external switch jacks. Measuring 6 × 3.5 inches and weighing a mere 1.5 pounds, the VoicePal Levels (also available for trial at our Technology Lending Center) is lightweight and portable.