Vin is content, concentrating on cutting up apples for a delicious fall-themed desert.
“I love the fact that I can get Vin out of the house and with his peers,” says Irene N., whose son Vincent has been a part of the Parents’ Night Out program for a good many years. It seems that years have literally flown by since Irene first heard of PNO. Says she, “I heard about this program when Vin was about, gosh, I don’t remember actually—maybe 9 or 10?”

Vin poses with his friends during a summertime PNO Water Fun Day.
“Vin loves going to the movies with his PNO friends.” At those and other events, says his mom, he enjoys the time he gets to spend with his friends. Vin has been a regular at many Friday and Saturday evening events (many of which are season- or holiday-themed), as well as swimming at the Hackettstown Community Pool during the summer. At other times in the community, says Irene, Vin recognizes his Advancing Opportunities peers at other times when he is out in the community.
As its name implies, the PNO program at Advancing Opportunities also offers social outlets for parents. “It gives me time to go out with my husband without worrying about a sitter.” Ever since enrolling her son, Irene has been an enthusiastic supporter. To other parents, Irene says, “I would definitely recommend PNO!”
“Vin has certainly come a long way since starting the PNO program,” says Irene, adding, “The staff is wonderful and caring, and Vin looks forward to his time with his friends!”