Taking AAC to Higher Levels

Communication Builder AAC

Communication Builder can accommodate 1, 2, 4, 8, or 16 framed messages at 4 or 7 levels.


As we continue our Assistive Tech Tuesday mini-series drawing on the theme of World Autism Awareness Day 2019, “Assistive Technologies. Active Participation.” The focus has been on augmentative and assistive communication (AAC) devices and software for children with autism and other disabilities involving communication.


The goal of AAC, according to the American Speech and Language Association (ASHA) is “to facilitate the development of natural, spoken communication.” The Communication Builder is here to help! Produced by Enabling Devices, Communication Builder comes in a variety of sizes to suit individual needs. There are two models, one with four levels of communication and one with seven levels. Each is equipped with 5 easy-to-change frames offering a choice of 1-, 2-, 4-, 8-, or 16-message frames. The 5 frames, according to the manufacturer, “allow you to refine communication choices as the user develops new skills.” Each frame acts as a category, allowing for 4 or 7 different messages under each category. With the 4-Level Communication Builder, one has a total of as many as 64 messages in the 16-window setting. But with the 7-Level Communication Builder, one has a total of as many as 112 messages in the 16-window setting! Total recording time is 300 seconds. That offers each frame messages of 300 (1 frame), 150 (2 frames), 75 (4 frames), 37 (8 frames), or 18 seconds (with 16 frames). We have one for New Jersey residents to try out for free.


In casee you missed it, last week we discussed the Go Talk line of AAC devices we discussed previously, we featured the Go Talk line of augmentative and assistive communication devices.



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