As part of a national campaign to urge people with all disabilities to speak out for themselves through the power of the vote, the American Association of People with Disabilities (AAPD) and other advocacy organizations have launched its REV UP campaign. A major part of this effort is National Disability Voter Registration Week, July 17–21, 2017, established in 2015, as part of the 25th anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). (The anniversary of ADA is July 26.) The aim is to “…advocate for policies that allow people with disabilities to fully participate in the political process, including ensuring the accessibility of poling locations and through the promoting the availability of accessible voting technology.”
Why? “REV UP campaigns around the country will make a concerted effort to get more people with disabilities registered to vote, educate voters about issues and candidates, promote turnout of voters with disabilities across the country, engage candidates and the media on disability issues, and protect eligible voters’ right to participate in elections.” An article in the Huffington Post also outlines why people should care, providing statistics and challenges people with various disabilities face.
Among us, the team members at Advancing Opportunities, these advocacy and self-advocacy initiatives bear keeping in mind, as we continue to “achieve full societal participation for all people with disabilities.” Is part of the vision that “We work toward every consumer’s potential to strive for greater independence, and it is our responsibility to guide and support them.”

Justin Dart, the actor who spurred the ADA, is the subject of a poster promoting the vote.
- According to the 2010 Census, there are some 56.7 million people with disabilities in the United States. This figure represents close to 20 percent, one-fifth of the entire U.S. population. It is also nearly as high as the entire population of Canada.
- There are nearly 34 million people with disabilities eligible to vote when registered. This number does not include family, friends, and service providers. There certainly is strength in numbers!
- According to a 2015 report by a major national social advocacy group, only one state, California, had a fully accessible online voter registration website. Recent reports of voter suppression raise concerns about the accessibility of voting to people with disabilities.