ACME Market in Audubon Recognized

ACME Market Store Director Doug North (left) accepts the Champion of Inclusion Award from Advancing Opportunities’ Director of Career Development Karl Craft and CEO Jack Mudge.
Advancing Opportunities presented ACME Market in Audubon with its Champion of Inclusion. Award on June 30, 2018. The award is given periodically to businesses that have prioritized workplace diversity and provided opportunities for people with disabilities to maintain meaningful employment.
ACME Market in Audubon was recognized specifically for its support of Manny Serra, a 17-year employee who retired from the store last month. During his time at ACME, Manny was supported by a Job Coach from Advancing Opportunities’ Career Development program, but he identifies his ACME co-workers as key contributors to his success as well. When discussing his retirement, Manny stated, “I will miss the people the most.”
“Advancing Opportunities is proud to recognize the team at ACME Market in Audubon for their efforts to create a workplace that celebrates diversity and provides people with disabilities the opportunity to work and be active members of the community,” said agency CEO Jack Mudge. “It’s companies like ACME Markets that help us achieve our mission of promoting independence for people with disabilities.”
“Manny is well-loved and respected by his fellow employees,” said ACME Market Store Director Doug North. “He showed up and did his best every day. He was always on time, and he did his best to meet every challenge.”
The goal of Advancing Opportunities’ Career Development program is to build a more diverse workforce by helping people with disabilities formulate their career goals and identify strategies to achieve them. Services include pre-placement, intensive coaching, long-term follow along, and assistive technology for the workplace.
For more information on hiring individuals with disabilities, contact Career Development Services Director Karl Craft at