The Lightwriter SL40 Connect is a portable, easy-to-use AAC device the user can take anywhere.
Augmentative and assistive communication (AAC) devices of many types are a prominent part of the assistive technology (AT) we have used with our clients. These technologies, after all, are at the forefront of the ability of AT to ensure accessibility and independence for people with a wide array of disabilities. AAC devices are a major part of what we do. (New Jersey residents can try the SL40 Connect free of charge at our Technology Lending Center.)
Earlier this year, we discussed Tobii Eye Gaze, an ingenious machine that enables consumers with very limited physical mobility to navigate the commands of an AAC device by moving their eyes. From the same company comes the Lightwriter SL40 Connect, a compact, elegant, and powerful communication device for persons who need voice (speech) output, converting text to speech. Thanks to its portability, the SL40 Connect can go anywhere with the user. (Dimensions are 6 by 9 inches and 2 inches deep, all weighing under 2 pounds.)
The user types a message on the keyboard; the text is easily readable on the both the keyboard and out-facing displays, even in daylight. Vocal output is via Acapela, a range of high-quality voices for many different users. In addition, the SL40 Connect sends and receives text messages (SMS), stores notes and contacts, and can even act as a remote control for other AT devices. Data can be transferred to a computer via a USB port for a flash drive. Three different key guards accommodate the needs of diverse users; keyboard options include QWERTY and ABC The included rechargeable nickel metal hydride is good for a typical day’s use.