Before there was awareness of the condition, people with epilepsy were thought to be possessed. Engraving in the collection of the Wellcome Trust Ltd., courtesy of Wikimedia Commons.
At Advancing Opportunities, we excel in providing residential and respite services to people of with all disabilities, along with advocacy and education services for parents and guardians and assistive technology support. As a leader in the field, we are pleased to share our experience, knowledge, and expertise with the disability community through our social media outlets: Facebook, Twitter, Google+, LinkedIn, YouTube, and Pinterest. In our bimonthly column, we will select the best of what we found and shared and present them. Please click on the titles with embedded links to find the full article.
In our illustration, two men try to assist three women with epilepsy, as depicted in this 17th century engraving. We provided a background to National Epilepsy Awareness Month in an earlier piece in this blog.
In addition, we are specialists in the area of assistive technology and offer a huge array of services; the Assistive Technology Center is New Jersey’s premier source of information and equipment.
Advancing Opportunities Job of the Fortnight
We have immediate full-time openings for full- and part-time candidates for the position of Direct Support Professional in residential care programs all around the state. The Direct Support Professional will be providing direct care to men and women with disabilities in residential support programs and group home settings. This entails includes supervision and/or assistance with personal care, daily-living activities, recreational pursuits, transportation, medical appointments, or any other needs the individuals may have.
We are holding our next open house, from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m., as follows:
- Thursday, November 16, Parsippany. 322 Rte. 46 W., Ste. 290, Parsippany, NJ 07054 (Morris County)
If you are unable to make any of these events, please submit your résumé to: hr@advopps.org, or fax it to 609-882-4022
Advancing Opportunities News

Fred Tchang, Director of Assistive Technology Services, will present at a statewide conference.
Fred Tchang, our Director of Assistive Technology Services, will present a workshop, “Achieving Greater Independence in the Workplace Through Assistive Technology,” at the New Jersey Association of Community Providers’ 34th Annual Statewide Conference in Atlantic City, N.J., on Friday, November 17.

Thanks to the efforts of caring staff like Ziana
Keith, the brightness outside the Harmony
group home is matched by what’s inside.
Ziana Keith was honored as Direct-Support Professional of the month. She works at the Harmony residence, home to three dynamic ladies. Read more about Ziana in our latest article, part of a continuing series. Ziana works at our Harmony group home, which we will feature in greater detail in a future post. She loves working with the three ladies there, appreciating their sharp sense of humor.
Disability in the News (Mostly in New Jersey, the Population We Serve)
The New Jersey Division of Developmental Disabilities (DDD) announces an address change. The mailing address, however, has not changed.
Assistive Technology
A wheelchair driven by an eye-gaze interface affords quadriplegics much greater independence.
A revolutionary robotic exoskeleton helps children with cerebral palsy walk independently.
College for Students with a Disability
A New Jersey student with dyslexia succeeds, despite his dyslexia.
Disability Rights, Accessibility
Alert for parents and teachers of a child with Down syndrome: A Ninth Circuit of Appeals case may change how and where school districts place students with Down syndrome and other intellectual disabilities.
Google is looking to remove apps from play store that do not incorporate accessibility service in a way that helps people with disabilities.
Employment for People with Disabilities
Many employers are taking steps to include people with disabilities, but a new national survey finds that businesses often do not take full advantage of successful strategies.
Leading corporations described the benefits of including people with disabilities during a recent event.
Informative, Positive, Noteworthy (or All Three!)
A young New Jersey autistic man finds his voice in writing.
The Arts and People with Disabilities
From NPR: “Hear a stunning new song from our 2016 Tiny Desk Contest winner, Gaelynn Lea.” Ms. Lea uses her art to advocate for fellow citizens with disabilities.
An autistic artist creates “a space for different minds.”
People with a Disability in the Community (Disability Rights and Acceptance; Inclusion)
HuffPost blog piece: “Disability Activists with Chronic Conditions: Alone in the (Political) Wilderness”
A 20-year-old with autism and his mother plan to open a bakery to employ others on spectrum.
Disability Awareness and Appreciation
“The Films That Are Telling the Truth About Disability”
A journalist observes: I stutter. As a result, I have been mocked, insulted, misjudged and refused service. “This has to stop.”
Medical News—Research
In medical research, stem cells show promise for children with cerebral palsy.
Researchers from Rutgers and other institutions presented findings that a missing brain wave may explain language problems in nonverbal autism.
Researchers from the Rutgers Robert Wood Johnson Medical School presented findings that brain cells spun from skin point to subtypes of autism Furthermore, Researchers simulated neuron down to sub-micron detail.
Beauty, Glamour, and Fashion: the Inclusion of People with Disabilities
We like to highlight articles on fashion designers and labels creating lines of clothing to accommodate people with physical and sensory disabilities. This time, a designer is offering custom-made clothing to meet the unique needs of men who use wheelchairs.
Animals and Animal Therapy
Autism assistance dog Rishi has enhanced 11-year-old Jake’s life, his family says.
The sad truth about guide dogs will make you love them more.
Disability Article Highlights – Ending November 15