Cmdr. John King, a physician embarked aboard the amphibious assault ship USS Kearsarge, assesses the reflexes of a cerebral palsy patient. Several items, including a short video, reflect cerebral palsy.
At Advancing Opportunities, we excel in providing residential and respite services to people of with all disabilities, along with advocacy and education services for parents and guardians and assistive technology support. As a leader in the field, we are pleased to share our experience, knowledge, and expertise with the disability community through our social media outlets: Facebook, Twitter, Google+, LinkedIn, YouTube, and Pinterest. In our bimonthly column, we will select the best of what we found and shared and present them. Please click on the titles with embedded links to find the full article.
In addition, we are specialists in the area of assistive technology and offer a huge array of services; the Assistive Technology Center is New Jersey’s premier source of information and equipment.
Advancing Opportunities Job of the Fortnight
Advancing Opportunities is seeking to hire a Residential Manager in the northern New Jersey region to provide on-site direct behavioral health care services to people with developmental disabilities in a residential setting.
Please submit your résumé to: hr@advopps.org.
Advancing Opportunities News
Thanks to JCP&L and everyone else who has supported us in providing the residents of our new Jackson group home with the very best assistive technology. These efforts will bring these residents the independence they need to participate fully in society. In addition, CEO Jack Mudge granted ShoreTV an interview at the agency’s group home in Jackson, NJ. He discussed the “Smart Home” technologies built into the home to help keep the residents safe and living independently.
Disability in the News (Mostly in New Jersey, the Population We Serve)
We do not normally present opinions, but this one from a state news source pertains to people with disabilities in the Garden State: “Gov.-Elect Murphy Must Prioritize Disability Community in 2018.”
A new interactive feature in Google Maps allows users to contribute and use accessibility information on destinations.
Commentary: The tech exists and is affordable, and it is being studied for self-driving cars. The main obstacle is a lack of investment.
For Parents of a Child with a Disability (Parenting)
Encourage your friend to seek out support, support them to advocate for their child, accompany your friend to meetings of parents’ groups: “10 ways to help the parent of a child with autism.”
Assistive Technology
Ingenuity in action: a schoolboy’s invention could help deaf people see what they cannot hear.
Special Education
Here are tips for teachers on incorporating assistive technology in a student’s IEP. This is also good for parents to know.
College for Students with a Disability
The Penn State University public radio station featured an informative piece on how students on the autism spectrum can navigate life on campus.
Disability Rights, Accessibility
Ride-sharing and home-sharing services offer much convenience to most people but their shortcomings in accessibility pose obstacles for people with disabilities.
Informative, Positive, Noteworthy (or All Three!)
From an essay that appeared in the New York Times: “We discovered we shared a common language, and a way of being in the world.”
One publication presents its candidates for ten best blogs on ADHD.
An essayist with cerebral palsy relates the difficulties and challenges she faces at parties.
The Arts and People with Disabilities
An autistic woman who cannot read, write, or speak communicates through her art.
People with a Disability in the Community (Disability Rights and Acceptance; Inclusion)
The LGBT and disability communities continue to be greatly represented and affected by the workplace diversity gap.
Beauty, Glamour, and Fashion: the Inclusion of People with Disabilities
Fashionably inclusive: A studio creates fashion for people with prosthetic limbs.