Advancing Opportunities is very pleased to host this important assistive technology workshop.
Assistive technology professionals in New Jersey are invited to a fun and informative professional event. The Richard West Assistive Technology Advocacy Center (ATAC) of Disability Rights New Jersey (DRNJ) is offering a workshop on computer access. Come, hear the NJ State Tech Act report. Advancing Opportunities is pleased to host this event. Come, join us for this fun hands-on learning experience of a variety of computer access options!
The event will take place Friday, January 19, 2018, from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
You will also learn about the ATAC small-grant recipients, planning for New Jersey AT State Plan for 2018, and planning for 2018 AT Summit. Participants will partake in a hands-on experience with assistive technology access options, such as Tobii Eye Gaze devices, special-access switches, and mouse and keyboard alternatives (e.g., head-control mouse).
In addition, enjoy lunch and networking with AT professionals
RSVP: Joanne Castellano at tecconn@aol.com, by Friday, January 12