We received the following message from Jonathan Seifried, the Assistant Commissioner of the New Jersey Department of Human Services, Division of Developmental Disabilities:
I would like to ask you for your input on a new initiative DDD is developing thanks to new funding Governor Murphy included in the budget.
DDD is committed to expanding community-based services for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities (I/DD). In fact, we recently released new funding to help expand housing options for individuals with I/DD.
Now, we are developing a new initiative focused on emergency out-of-home residential services for individuals with IDD who require intensive behavioral support to safely return home. As the Division begins to develop these services, we want your input.
We hope you can take a few minutes to complete an online Intensive Behavioral Services Survey. Your feedback is vital to ensuring that the design and delivery of new behavioral stabilization services best reflects the community’s needs. The survey will be open until November 22, 2019.
I value your input and encourage you to complete this survey so that your voice can be heard on this important initiative.
Thank you.